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Universal Fibers

Product Introduction


Position Universal Fibers as creatively driven fiber expert as they introduce a new product, Thrive.


Culture: What drives you?

We approach every project with craft and use it to provide creative, beautiful solutions that inspire.  Thrive is the latest example of our creative problem-solving passion.


Humanity: How do you connect? 

Many customers look for unique fiber solutions that will elevate their product, carpet, to a new level. Yet the industry, as a whole, tends to have standard colors, styles and textures. Universal Fibers is different.  They are driven to “break the mold”, offering new fiber options that inspire.


Authenticity: The strategy.

Our search for inspiration delivers fiber solutions like Thrive, making your products strong and vibrant, like no other.

Client / Universal Fibers

Role / Strategy

Agency / ndp agency

Year / 2016

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